field Series


My formative experience was growing up in the Irish countryside, among an extended family of farmers. They had highly developed skills in repair and maintenance, a knowledge of how things grew, animal husbandry, knitting, and sewing. They were craftspeople. These everyday activities are my sense of life. 

There was an annual repetition too. A cycle of sowing and harvesting, animals born and reared, then gathered up and taken to market. The vagaries of time and weather, the subtle environmental changes each year, all impacted the harvest’s texture and character. 

My work and process, its repetitive nature, the subtle variations I make, the time to grow and ripen, all parallel that farming life.

The series recalls my sense of land farmed.

sand end, 2023. 71”h x 79”w x 4”d 108cm x 200cm x 10cm unbleached canvas

fairy now, 2023. 40”h x 91”w x 6”d 101cm x 231cm x 15cm unbleached canvas

the plantin,, 2023, 75”h x 56”w x 8”d 190cm x 142cm x 20cm unbleached canvas

long hill, 2023, 73”h x 42”w x 12”d 185cm x 107cm x 30cm unbleached canvas

half moon, 2023, 57”h x 75”w x 12”d 145cm x 191cm x 30cm unbleached canvas

peg’s field, 2023, 34”h x 80”w x 6”d 86cm x 203cm x 15cm unbleached canvas

front door field, 2023, 34”h x 72”w x 7”d 86cm x 183cm x 18cm unbleached canvas